Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Holiday List 2017

Posted: December 19, 2017 in Book, Equipment, General
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Where did the year go?  We’re in the midst of Hanukkah, with Kwanzaa and Christmas right around the corner.  If you’re looking for a good gift for under the tree, a Yankee Swap gift for the dojo, a stocking stuffer for the mantle, or a small gift idea for any other seasonal occasion, check out this list.

Got any others you are wishing for that should make this list?  Drop me a line on Twitter or email and I’ll add it along with your name! (more…)

The History of Krav Maga

Posted: December 6, 2013 in General

This is basically an advertisement for KMG but it’s also an informative look at the history of Krav Maga and what made it what it is today.

Books first. Classroom later.

Posted: May 27, 2011 in General

It’s in my nature to research things before plunging in.  Being true to my stripes, I’ve been looking into various martial arts styles and local schools on and off for a few years now.  Now, since I have my ‘Intro’ class this coming Wednesday, I thought it would be a good thing to dig in to really see what to expect from Krav Maga.  Purchased both Levine books (the Beginner Krav Maga and Complete Krav Maga books).

They seem like good books.  I hope I am able to use them as reference in between classes.  Beyond getting a sense for what I’m getting myself into that’s the other reason for getting the books.

Based on what I’m seeing this appears to be the right style at this point in my life.  I just had my 42nd birthday last week and am looking for a pragmatic style over a showy, “exhibition” style.  Not that there’s anything wrong with other styles like aikido, kenpo, and the like, it’s just that at this stage I want something that can apply in real life and work towards my fitness goals.

Case in point: I used to take Uechi Ryu in the late 80’s under the great Richard Green (only got to my second belt before leaving for college) and considered jumping back into that style.  There’s a well-renowned school in the center of town.  It’s not unreasonable to think that I could have fast-tracked the early belts too, given my past experience.  In the end though, I decided against it as the form never really felt natural to me.

I have also felt no small amount of pressure from my daughter who is 8 months into her tenure at the local Nick Cerio’s school.  She is very passionate about the school, the style, and most of all the instructor but the school’s blend of Kenpo, Karate, and Jujitsu just doesn’t appeal to me as much as it does to her.  Yes, the swords and fans and whatnot are neat but, again, not really practical in my eyes.

Back to reading and visualizing this style.  I’m excited about my Intro next week.  I’m hopeful it’ll all come together for me and I’ll look back on this as one of the best decisions of my life.

I’m Just This Guy, You Know?

Posted: May 27, 2011 in General

This blog is an open book about a normal 42-year old guy looking to get back into shape and learn a handy self-defense form in the process.  In considering what style to take and where to take it I have been looking around online a bit to glean whatever I can from people who have been where I am now.  No luck.

It’s my intent, then, to provide a running diary of sorts.  Cave paintings on the wall.  A time capsule.  Whatever.  You get the gist.  Something that documents the experience and hopefully provides some insight to people down the road who find themselves in the same place I am as of this writing.

Along the way I expect that this process might be therapeutic for me as well.  A nice way to get down what it is I am going through.  A kind of catharsis.

Anyhow, people of the future.  If this finds you at a point in your life where you are considering Krav Maga and aren’t sure what to expect, I hope this opens the door a crack to let you peek in and understand what to expect from the experience.

Best of luck and happy reading!