Archive for July, 2014

Qualities in Krav Maga

Posted: July 17, 2014 in Poll, Technique

Here is some very interesting data based on a poll I published a few years ago.

What are your thoughts?

I am in the process of putting together another book as well as considering moving my “What to Expect When Starting Krav Maga” Guide to a printed format. At this point I am completely ignorant of what current sentiments are around Kindles. I am a die-hard printed book guy myself but do own a Kindle as well. Although few things in life compare to the smell and feel of a physical book in your hand, you can’t compete with the convenience of carrying an entire library in the palm of your hand.

Anyhow, to help me out, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind clicking below to help me make sense of which format(s) I ought to be considering. Your help, as always, is appreciated!

Setting Your Goals

Posted: July 15, 2014 in Attitude, Inpirational, Video

This is a really interesting video by Tony Robbins about setting goals (it’s a playlist of 35 minutes but very much worth it). He released it a few years ago around New Years as a motivational message to help people keep their resolutions but it’s just as relevant throughout the rest of the year. One of the more compelling messages in it for me was that, in order for you to make lasting change you have to “raise your standard”.

Whether or not you are a fan of motivational speakers, if you have the chance to do so, I challenge you to give this a chance, sit back and take it in. There is a lot of food for thought in here that I think can help us all get to the next level in our training goals.