Archive for November, 2013

Feet_on_scaleWeight plays a huge role in Krav Maga (no pun intended). Who am I to say, you ask? Well, let’s just say that I speak from experience. As you may know, I started Krav Maga training about two and a half years ago pretty darn obese, maybe even ‘morbidly’ obese. I was carrying all that extra weight with me every class, for every push-up, every burpee, every lunge, every squat. And man was it exhausting!

To date, I have lost 82 of those pounds and am shooting for about 18 more before I can consider myself ‘done’ (incidentally, you can see below for an up-to-the-minute view of my progress). As the weight has come off, the change was noticeable. Now I’m not talking about appearance-noticeable, though that certainly was there, I mean noticeable from a physical performance standpoint. The push-ups and squats were getting progressively easier because I was lifting that much less weight with each rep. The running and sprints, I found the same thing. I even stopped wearing my knee brace since I was no longer pounding my knees into submission and getting frequent jumper’s knee. I found it extraordinary how much easier it was not to have to lug all that fat around with me. I was less winded and was amazed at the feeling I got exercising in this new body. (more…)

First Guide is Available!

Posted: November 11, 2013 in Store
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market-store-iconI realized a while back that the blog posts are okay but sometimes there are topics for which the format just doesn’t handle adequately. These are bigger topics that I feel require more than just several paragraphs to cover sufficiently. So, what to do? Do I create a series of related blog posts over the course of several weeks? I suppose that’s one way to do it. The other way, the way I chose, was to put together a Guide in Kindle format. Hence the concept of the KMJ Guide was born.

This particular Guide is 74 pages long and is the first of several I have planned. It’s focused on what’s always been the most popular topic on, namely “what can I expect when I start Krav Maga?”  It includes a quick overview of Krav Maga and addresses areas like class structure, sparring, and the “elephant in the room” — fear.  It contains tips that will prove very handy in your first 6 months of training (and beyond).

Each tip is inspired by the hundreds of search queries that are performed to land folks on my blog, email questions I get, and questions I see posted frequently on Reddit — so the tips are highly relevant to the kinds of questions new and prospective students might ask. If you are considering Krav Maga, are a new student, or know of someone who is considering giving it a try, take a look and let me know what you think.

